
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Episode Twenty-Nine

Episode 29: Shout-outs, Amazing Race All-Star (and All-Celebrity) versions, Felix the Cat, highlights, lowlights, movies, fuck-offs, a you-rule, RIP Jane Wyatt.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Episode Twenty-Eight

Episode 28: Shout-outs, Listener Topic of the Week - "Single Girl Friday Night," movies, lowlights, highlights, fuckoffs, Amazing Race application. Please note: the topic of masturbation comes up more than once in this episode. You have been warned!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Episode Twenty-Seven

Episode 27: Scat singing, shout-outs, CD Mix alternate tracks 16-20, Hucklebug through the ages, movies, lowlights, highlights, fuck-offs, a "no-spoilers" teaser for next week.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Episode Twenty-Six

Episode 26: Speed Hucklebug, operating difficulties, shout-outs, Listener Topic of the Week -- Hucklebug in the 1940s, movies, CD Mix alternate tracks 11-15, lowlights, highlights, fuck-offs, Guess What Stennie's Saying.