Episode Thirty-Seven
Episode 37: Happy New Year from the Hucklebug, RIPs (James Brown and Gerald Ford), shout-outs, movies, highlights & lowlights, fuck-offs, CD Mix #3 - alternate tracks 6-10.
Episode 37: Happy New Year from the Hucklebug, RIPs (James Brown and Gerald Ford), shout-outs, movies, highlights & lowlights, fuck-offs, CD Mix #3 - alternate tracks 6-10.
Greetinks! I too shall start going through the Preston Sturges collection, maybe as soon as tomorrow. Woo! Might start with McGinty, not sure.
My mother and I still fight about the dishdrainer. I like it to the left of the sink, but she always moves it to the right of the sink. In my house. One time when I had just moved to England, she arrived the same day the sea freight did. I told her to leave it alone, but naturally she washed and unpacked everything and put it away. I got home from work, and I moved everything to where I wanted it. The next day, I went to work again, and when I came home she had moved it all back. This went on for three days, all of the time with her insisting, "but it makes better sense HERE". Sigh.
My best Christmas acquisition was actually some photos from my Grandmother's collection, which are now off being framed at an astronomical rate. I realized that one rarely has one's own baby pictures, so I took a bunch of those, as well as my parents' wedding photo, and some of my grandparents. This was nicer than any other stuff that I got, because this is something that's worth keeping.
My holiday season was the lowlight of 2006 for me. On Christmas day I
woke up with the suckiest present ever: the flu. Of course, I didn't
know it was the flu so I didn't immediately take care of myself.
In typical "guy" fashion I blew it of and went to the Grove (a posh outdoor shopping mall in H'wood) and saw "Dreamgirls" with TheWife and a friend. The movie was good, but predictable and NO place was open for dinner. That is to say except for four places which were al JAMMED thanks to the huge number of people who wanted to shop and see movies (not a big surprise here in Hollywood--we've got a lot of Jews here, you know). Also, most of the stores were closed so we couldn't even pass the time shopping with Christmas money.
The next day I felt worse, but I had to go to work. I took it easy that night, but the next day felt even worse. I did go to work, but left after 4 hours, came home and the next four days were a blur. I had to blow off my New Years trip back east to spend NYE with my Mom which is costing me an extra $100. Plus I haven't seen my Mom in like 3 years, so this was a big deal.
Anyway, so here it is, almost a week later, and I'm just barely back to health. I've still got the sniffles but my energy is back up.
The whooole time I kept thinking about something you guys had said on a couple of your last shows for 2006. I think I'm going to do what Stephen Colbert calls "nailing you" but we'll see. OK, so, you guys said that you enjoy Roman Polanski films, but you are against child rape, which means your pro-Polanski-movies, but anti-Polanksi.
Then, in a later episode you both agreed to never see Mel Gibson's film, Apocalypto, and refused to even mention the name, as though Mel Gibson might appear next to you both in a puff of smoke and leave you with lightning bolt scars over your eyes.
The thing is, you'll see a Roman Polanski film despite the fact that Polanski butt-raped a 14 year-old, but all Mel did was hate the Jews and make a lousy movie about Jesus, yet you guys refuse to see his movie. Seems a little hypocritical considering Braveheart was a very well made fable (whether you like the film or not, its well-made-edness is generally accepted) and odds would be reasonable that Apocalypto would be a good film, too.
In fact, I saw Apocalypto and found it to be a pretty enjoyable film and not at all racist. And no, there was no anti-semitism in the film either. Honestly, I'd probably give it 4 stars. It may not be historically accurate, but I look at it as a fable, like Braveheart, which was also far from being historically accurate.
God DAMN can I leave long comments or what?
OH yeah, and I hate whenever family come to visit and spend any time in my home. I start losing things and my step-dad always manages to find the few things wrong with my home. "Yes, I KNOW one of the bolts on the toilet seat is loose--I SIT on it a couple of times a day!!"
OK I'm done.
One could also make the argument against Woody Allen. But if the films can be held separately from the filmmaker, then Roman and the Woodman come out way ahead of Mr. Sugar Tits there.
In regards to Playtime, it was the best film I watched in 2006. Tati did actually make one more Hulot movie in 1971, Trafic, though it's not available on DVD in the US just yet. It's supposed to be pretty good, though.
There was a man whose name was Lang
And he had a neon sign
And Mr. Lang was very old
So we called it Old Lang's Sign
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