
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Week Twenty-One

Week Twenty-One: we're legal, and we're drinking! New recording night, shout-outs, Listener Topic of the Week goes to Flipsycab but we address Michelle's comments as well, pimping the CD Mix Challenge, Stennie's movies (Bet didn't see any this week), lowlights/highlights, fuck-offs, the Emmys, in the news.


Blogger Lily said...

I'm a bit behind on Hucklebug downloading and listening, but I had a suggestion for a topic/segment on the Hucklebug. As I have been reacclimating to east coast time, I have been catching bits of "The Aristocrats" on late night HBO. At the moment, I think that that Sarah Silverman bit is the funniest, but I haven't quite seen the whole thing yet. Bet-n-Stennie, give us your version of the Aristocrats.

There! I've left a comment. (I'm having trouble getting this comment to stick, apologies if it shows up twice)

6:48 AM  
Blogger Bet said...

(That wasn't George Bush. It was spelled correctly, with the comma in the right place.)

4:14 PM  
Blogger thepete said...

OK, sorry I haven't commented in a while but I thought you guys hadn't done a new podcast until suddenly week 20 appeared in iTunes. I don't think the problem was Apple/iTunes had screwed up, I have a feeling it was something with Feedburner. I do my site feeds through Feedburner as well and sometimes iTunes comes up with nothing new when I know there's a post there. I zip over to Feedburner's feedmedic (I think that's the name) and it figures it out.

OH yeah and from Week 20: "Blue Skyin'" means pulling stuff out of the clear blue sky. It's similar to the phrase "out of the blue." I'd say it's a New Jersey thing, but Stennie, you're FROM New Jersey!! (FOR SHAME!)

Aaaanyway, I don't swing by any of your guys sites because I hardly have time to visit my own. :( My dayjob keeps me pretty busy all day long and when I get home I've always got other crap to do. And I've got a movie blog, too, ya know: PocketReviews.Net. Though I review other stuff there, too.

I'm glad you both like Ballpoint Adventures--that's another thing I haven't had time for since I went back to temping, so you know you're in good company when I blow of your guys' sites and my own artwork... sheesh! I need to win the lottery!!

And yes, I have been doing Richard Simmons behind my wife's back. I invited her to join in, but she refused--she having sex with some guy called Bally's.

Thanks for the Hackensaw Boys CD, Bet!! It's amazing!! I'm not a fan of that type of music, but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying their songs. Their lyrics crack me up and the music itself gets me fired up--sorry, I don't know how else to explain it.

Anyway great show as always!!! I'm looking forward to the next one on Friday!

OH YEAH: Where's the SPAMMMMM???

OH OH YEAH: I've started watching Life On Mars thanks to the Miracle of Bit Torrent (me no have the BBCAmerica). It's a really good show. I'm going to watch the fourth ep today on my iPod. Can't wait!! Thanks for recommending it! Any other British shows you guys like?

2:33 PM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...


You know, I loved shooting that documentary too, but I think the people involved should be on Page 8. Ask Bet if you're confused.

How about a No-Shower-Sundy challenge to follow the CD challenge?

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i almost wish i had watched the emmy's for bob newhart. haha. but i hate them for the very same reasons you mentioned.

hey! i love that ub40 cover of red red wine!!

116 years old! yikes! donkey's milk!? i think it was just a fluke.

i love orson welles. citizen kane is worth watching at least once, but it's long and not something i'd watch over and over. and i loved fight club. guess i am a boy. hahahahhaha. but then i loved brad and helena then.

11:37 PM  

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