
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Week Twenty

Week Twenty: Shout-out to thepete, Listener Topic of the Week -- Movies We'd Like to See, worst movies ever, Kelly with a Y's Listener Good News of the Week, lowlights and highlights, movies, fuck-offs and you-rules, In Search Of... Games, Tom & Jerry.


Blogger Flipsycab said...

I sold my zine to Meltdown Comics! So, technically I've sold out, only on a very minimal scale.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...

Hollywood Gift Bags = Swag bag which is pronounced SHWAG bag, not swag. If you say swag, you will sound like a big dork and everyone will know that you don't know what you're talking about and possibly and alarm will sound.
Also, saying sway kind of paints you as never-having-smoking-the-herbal-medicine. This status is surely your one way ticket to Dorksville.

SHWAG. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
Only, spell it swag.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...

Gawd I can't type!

an alarm will sound.

swag, not sway. it's very hard to type swag without typing sway. kind of like rabbi and rabbit.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...

What if listeners submitted words for you to define? And we had to guess who is correct? Or you pick the words and we have to pick which are correct, kind of like Says You?

6:58 PM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...

Who would you put on Page Eight from this week's headlines?

2:10 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I feel so badly about not commenting last week, that I'm listening to the Podcast at my computer with the comment box open. For those who are counting, this is my second listen of this week's show.

1. iTunes wouldn't download the Podcast this week. I had to download it as an mp3 manually. Can I get a refund?

2. Little Miss Sunshine was fucking AWESOME!

3. Congrats Kelly-With-A-Y! Is she the dead body floating in a pool in the ads?

4. On a techincal note: Betster's mic is much, much louder than Stennie's. To have the volume loud enough to hear Stenns, I have to hear Bet really loud. Now I love that accent, so this isn't a problem. However, when she laughs or gets excited, it literally blows my mind, right through my eardrums.

5. I had a very similar experience that Stenns did with the Grease sing along as I did with the Sound of Music sing along a couple of years ago. People got pissed off at others who sang along. In fact, an over-dressed snotty-assed teen went and complained to the usher that my friends and I were making it difficult for her to hear the movie. She and her prissy family were moved to the balcony.

6. Do you really both have problems with people showing up at the thee-ay-ter late? In Chicago they tend to close the doors when the curtain comes up, only to re-open them at intermission.

7. As for a game, how about one of those "guess the real news story" type games, where you make up two stories and read a third, real story. The other person - or the podcastees have to guess which was the real story. These don't even have to be stories from the news, but they could be things that have happened to you in the past.

8. I'm not playing Bingo. That's for old church ladies.

9. I think the guy who was just arrested for the murder of Jonbennet Ramsey could have done it. Have you heard the audio? Someone called the parents when the girl early on when she was missing to announce he was with her. He sounds very much like the guy they arrested.

10. I listen every week by the way, even when I don't comment. I always download you on Thursday and listen to you on the way to work on Friday. The exception will be this Thursday, when I will be out of town without my computer on Thursday.

11. How long do you think it will be before Jeff Skilling suddenly bites it?

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've decided that i hate nick cage. someone was wise enough to know that he would have sucked in superman. and ghostrider, his consolation prize, looks GAWD-AWFUL. ::shudder::

talladega nights WAS funny. i was tempted to see snakes on the plane, but i'm waiting til satellite on that one.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the only nanook i know of is corey haim's dog from the lost boys. classic movie, btw. hahahaha!

how about "the wheel of morality" a la animaniacs for a game to play online. ;)

i've never been a fan of 'tom and jerry'.

i'm still listening, just got busy and behind. :)

10:31 PM  

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